I’m unable to view pictures or images. However, based on the factors listed, Hinduism's growth could be related to several aspects:
Flexibility in religious services - This could imply that the practices in Hinduism can vary greatly, accommodating diverse practices and communities.
Flexibility in new gods - Hinduism is known for incorporating new deities, which allows it to adapt and grow with the integration of different cultures and beliefs.
Guarantee of religious freedom - While this may describe a characteristic of the sociopolitical environment rather than Hinduism itself, it can still facilitate the spread and acceptance of the religion.
Tolerance of other cultures - Hinduism has often absorbed elements from other traditions, contributing to its growth and diversity.
To accurately determine which factor is represented by the picture you are referring to, consider which aspect aligns most closely with the imagery or context you see. If you can describe the picture, I may be able to help you deduce the correct answer!