Look at the list of prefixes and the list of base words. Match them up to make a brand-new list of words with different meanings. Some prefixes fit with more than one word. Click SUBMIT when you are done.

Prefixes Words

un powered

re steady

dis board

over assure

mis hydrated

out pouring

de wash

pre infect

under judge

9 answers

unpowered - not powered
reboard - board again
dissure - not assure
overhydrate - hydrate excessively
outsteady - not steady
depouring - stop pouring
prejudge - judge beforehand
underwash - wash beneath
Look at the list of prefixes. Write a list of words using as many of the prefixes as you can. Click SUBMIT when you are done.

semi multi uni bi tri mono quad super
semicircle, semicolon, semisweet, semitransparent
multinational, multiplayer, multidisciplinary, multifunctional
unicorn, unicycle, unison, university
bicycle, bilateral, bilingual, binocular
triangle, tricycle, trilingual, trigonometry
monochrome, monotone, monolingual, monotonous
quadrilateral, quadruplet, quadrilateral, quadruple
superhero, superstar, superpower, supercharge
I apologize if my previous response was not what you were expecting. Here is a revised list of words using the given prefixes:

semifinal, semiautomatic, semisolid, semiprecious
multimedia, multinational, multicolored, multipurpose
unicorn, unisex, uniform, unidirectional
bicycle, bilingual, bipedal, binoculars
triangle, trilingual, tricycle, trivia
monopoly, monologue, monochrome, monogamy
quadrant, quadruple, quadrilateral, quadratic
supermarket, superstar, supernatural, superimpose
What prefixes are missing from these words? Drag each word to the correct place in the
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
"greater in size or
talented (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "many")
superintendent (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "greater in size or importance")
dialogue (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "one")
multitasking (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "many")
monolingual (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "one")
superimpose (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "greater in size or importance")
telegram (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "many")
What prefixes are missing from these words? Drag each word to the correct place in the
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
"greater in size or
talented (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "many")
unnatural (Words Missing the Prefix That Means "one")
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
"many" (talented, unnatural)
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
"one" (unnatural)
Words Missing the
Prefix That Means
"greater in size or
importance" (talented)