
by Paul Laurence Dunbar


Away, away I would go if I could,
Perhaps to an overgrown sun-dapple wood;
Away, away I would fly in a flash,
If I thought peace awaited under a towering ash.

Away, away you would wish me go too,
If only the pain of my staying still was known to you;
Away, away you would bid me farewell,
And on my wellbeing, you’d never again dwell.

"Longing" by Paul Laurence Dunbar

Use the poem to answer the question.

In 3 sentences, use effective reasoning to explain a conclusion you can draw from the structure of “Away.” Base your conclusion in part on the structure of the poe

3 answers

The structure of "Away" by Paul Laurence Dunbar consists of a repetitive refrain that emphasizes the speaker's deep desire for escape and freedom, creating a rhythm that conveys urgency and longing. The poem's consistent pattern of starting each stanza with "Away" mirrors the speaker's overwhelming wish to leave their current situation, highlighting their emotional turmoil. Additionally, the contrasting imagery of nature, such as the "sun-dapple wood" and "towering ash," suggests a yearning for peace and tranquility, further reinforcing the sense of longing and the desire to find solace away from pain.

write in another way

The structure of “Away” by Paul Laurence Dunbar employs a repetitive opening line that emphasizes the speaker's intense desire to escape, conveying a sense of desperation. Each stanza begins with "Away," underscoring the urgency of the speaker's longing and reflecting their emotional struggle with staying in a painful situation. Furthermore, Dunbar contrasts the imagery of calm nature, like the "sun-dapple wood" and "towering ash," with the speaker's anguish, highlighting their yearning for peace and a tranquil refuge from their current burden.