Long-range goals are best accomplished by __________ .


writing down and working for intermediate goals

never varying from your daily routine

A daily routine is only helpful if it __________________ .

helps you achieve long-range goals

never varies

includes a lot of fun activities

hich of the following is NOT a benefit of writing down priorities of to-do tasks?

it allows you to manage your time better

it means you will never accomplish the lower priority items

it allows you to accomplish important tasks first, rather than just responding to urgencies

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy in order to persevere toward a goal?

varying the daily routine occasionally

reward yourself as objectives are achieved

avoid writing down a goal you are not sure of

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy if you find yourself behind toward meeting a goal or objective?

panic and abandon the goal

readjust your daily schedule to include more time to meet the goal

readjust the deadline, if possible

An objective differs from a goal in that ______________________ .

the objective takes longer to meet than a goal

the objective is only one element of meeting a goal

the objective can be ignored without consequence

our progress toward a long-range goal should be measured by ___________________________________.

how soon you achieve the long-range goal

your achievement of "mileposts," or intermediate goals

your daily to-do list


6 answers

Please number the questions and assign letters to the choices.
1. Long-range goals are best accomplished by __________ .


writing down and working for intermediate goals

never varying from your daily routine

2. A daily routine is only helpful if it __________________ .

helps you achieve long-range goals

never varies

includes a lot of fun activities

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of writing down priorities of to-do tasks?

it allows you to manage your time better

it means you will never accomplish the lower priority items

it allows you to accomplish important tasks first, rather than just responding to urgencies

4. Which of the following is NOT a good strategy in order to persevere toward a goal?

varying the daily routine occasionally

reward yourself as objectives are achieved

avoid writing down a goal you are not sure of

5. Which of the following is NOT a good strategy if you find yourself behind toward meeting a goal or objective?

panic and abandon the goal

readjust your daily schedule to include more time to meet the goal

readjust the deadline, if possible

6. An objective differs from a goal in that ______________________ .

the objective takes longer to meet than a goal

the objective is only one element of meeting a goal

the objective can be ignored without consequence

7.our progress toward a long-range goal should be measured by ___________________________________.

how soon you achieve the long-range goal

your achievement of "mileposts," or intermediate goals

your daily to-do list
My answers are in the first post at the bottom.
1.B - yes
2.A - yes
3.B - yes
4.C - yes
5.A - yes
6.B - yes
7.B - yes

Thank you.
You're welcome.