To perform long division of 82.8 by 9, follow these steps:
Set up the long division: Write 82.8 under the division symbol and 9 outside.
Divide 9 into the first digit (8): Since 9 cannot go into 8, you write 0 above the division line and bring down the next digit.
Divide 9 into the next digit (82): Now consider the first two digits (82). 9 goes into 82 a total of 9 times because \( 9 \times 9 = 81 \). Write 9 above the division line.
Subtract: Now subtract 81 from 82, which leaves you with 1.
Bring down the next digit: Bring down the next digit (8) so now you have 18.
Divide 9 into 18: 9 goes into 18 exactly 2 times because \( 9 \times 2 = 18 \). Write 2 above the division line.
Subtract: Subtract 18 from 18 which leaves you with 0.
Result: Since there are no more digits to bring down, the division ends here.
Putting it all together, you have:
- The quotient is 9.2
- So, \( 82.8 \div 9 = 9.2 \).
Thus, \( 9 \) into \( 82.8 \) gives you \( 9.2 \).