Local View:

Describe how deforestation is currently related and integrated in the community. Include three or more real-world examples of how the topic affects the community and what actions the community can take to positively impact deforestation.
National View:
Describe how deforestation is currently impacting the nation. Include two or more real-world examples of how people around the nation are working to influence positive environmental change focusing on deforestation.
Global View:
Describe how deforestation is currently impacting the entire world. Include two or more real-world examples of how people around the world are working to influence positive environmental change focusing on deforestation.

1 answer

No one here will write your assignments for you. However, if you post what you write (no 1st or 2nd drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.

Here's a clue:
When those greedy developers come into a nicely forested area and take down all the trees so they can build shopping centers, apartments, more roads, more parking lots, etc., and then there are floods in areas that had never flooded before, what conclusion can you draw?