Let's go through the steps to conjugate the verb "llamarse" in the first person:
Step 1: REMOVE the Reflexive Ending: -se
- From "llamarse", we remove "se" to get "llamar".
Step 2: REMOVE the Infinitive Ending:
- From "llamar", we remove the infinitive ending "-ar" to get the root "llam".
Step 3: ADD 1st person Ending:
- The first person singular ending for regular -ar verbs in the present tense is "-o". Therefore, we add "o" to "llam" to get "llamo".
Step 4: ADD the appropriate reflexive pronoun at the beginning:
- The reflexive pronoun for the first person singular is "me". So, we place "me" at the beginning: "me llamo".
- "Me llamo [Your Name]." (For example: "Me llamo Juan.")
This means "My name is Juan." in English.