The first step is to convert 10 1/2 yards to inches:
10 1/2 yards = 315 inches
Next, we need to calculate how many square inches of fabric we need:
315 inches x 52 inches = 16,380 square inches
Now we can convert this to square yards:
16,380 square inches ÷ 36 = 455 square yards
Finally, we can calculate the total cost of the fabric:
455 square yards x $6.69 per yard = $3,041.95
Therefore, the answer is not given in the options provided.
Liz wanted to make a pair of curtains. She needed 10 1/2 yards
of 52-inch-wide fabric. if the fabric cost $6.69 per yard, what
was her total cost?
a. $71.24
b. $70.25
c. $347.88
d. $362.27
1 answer