(Little Woman)

can you find a quote in this book above about Meg and how responsible she is pls

3 answers

One possible quote from "Little Women" that showcases Meg's responsibility is:

"Meg went for her, and felt that half a dozen enthusiastic girls were too much for one puny woman—so she begged to be allowed to put them in bed and revel alone, for ‘in long, we keepers of the hearth deserve some pleasures, all the burden lies heavily on us, and the least we can do is to take home comforts through’” (Louisa May Alcott, Little Women).

This quote illustrates Meg's willingness to take on responsibilities and care for others, even when she is exhausted or overwhelmed.
find a shorter one pls
"Mrs. March broke the silence that followed Jo's words, by saying in her cheery voice, ‘Do you remember how you used to play Pilgrims Progress when you were little things? Nothing delighted you more than to have me tie my piece bags on your backs for burdens, give you hats and sticks and rolls of paper, and let you travel through the house from the cellar, which was the City of Destruction, up, up, to the housetop, where you had all the lovely things you could collect to make a Celestial City’" (Louisa May Alcott, Little Women).

This quote also demonstrates Meg's responsibility and caring nature, as she enjoys playing the role of caretaker and guide for her younger siblings.