Listen, I am a college student. I have to do a research paper for my Enviornmental Science Paper. I need to use 8 web sources. Does any body know of some good college base sites like any dot gov sites or other sites other than dot com sites?
I am going to type a paper on The causes and Effects of unsustainable living in urban areas.
6 answers
What research have you already done for this paper?
I went on a site called Green Brooklyn & found a video called Greening the Ghetto
You need to thoroughly define "unsustainable living in urban areas."
Urban areas are very efficient. Housing is concentrated in small areas. Apartments are usually energy efficient. Food is trucked in and distributed in convenient grocery stores. Public transportation takes the place of polluting cars.
What do you want to prove in this paper?
You need to thoroughly define "unsustainable living in urban areas."
Urban areas are very efficient. Housing is concentrated in small areas. Apartments are usually energy efficient. Food is trucked in and distributed in convenient grocery stores. Public transportation takes the place of polluting cars.
What do you want to prove in this paper?
The reasons why urban areas are suffering from unsustainable living enviornments
I need current sources no earlier than 1995, Four of the sources have to be relevant academic journals and if its from an internet, it has to be spnosored by a credible institution or organization
You didn't define "unsustainable living environments."
We cannot help you until you tell us exactly what you mean by this term.
We cannot help you until you tell us exactly what you mean by this term.