List two to three characteristics of Orientalism

What do you mean by orientalism?

Orientalism is not a common term and connotes a general prejudice against everything Asian. Most sociologists and educators do not use this term.

Check this site for more information.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is a definition from the dictionary:

Main Entry: ori·en·tal·ism
Pronunciation: "Or-E-'en-t&l-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Date: 1769
1 : a trait, custom, or habit of expression characteristic of oriental peoples
2 : scholarship or learning in oriental subjects
- ori·en·tal·ist /-t&l-ist/ noun, often cap

If you read Chapter 11 in Week 3's reading it helps a lot in answering this question.