List two effects organized religion has had on society.

5 answers
Skip the first link in the above search results (it's yours!) and read through some of the others.
What effects do you think organized society has had on society?

Have you thought about:
* Crusades?
* Gandhi's and King's nonviolence influences?
* Conflicts between Shias and Sunnis?
* Christian missionaries depriving natives of their cultures?
* Ongoing conflicts between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland?
* Colonization of New England because of religious disputes in Europe?
* Anti-Semitism?
* Magnificent cathedrals in Europe?
* Blue laws?
* Christmas and Easter being U.S. national holidays?
* Religious opposition to abortion?
* Religious opposition to contraceptives?
* Political influences?
Ms. Sue thank you so much for all of those responses.
Thanks a bunch!
You're very welcome!