List Top 3 Warmachine factions

3 answers

1. Cygnar - A technologically advanced nation known for their powerful warcasters and versatile warjacks.
2. Khador - A militaristic empire with a strong focus on heavy armor and powerful warjacks.
3. Menoth - A religious faction that worships the god of Law and Order, known for their powerful warcasters and elite templar units.
List these factions most iconic warjack
1. Cygnar - The Stormclad, a heavily armored warjack armed with a powerful lightning coil.
2. Khador - The Behemoth, a massive warjack armed with devastating firepower and heavy armor.
3. Menoth - The Castigator, a warjack equipped with a flaming sword and shield, representing the wrath of Menoth.