List the word formation and meaning of the 100 part of the body in medical terms in tabular form

1 answer

Sure! Here's a tabular form listing the word formations and meanings of 100 different parts of the body in medical terms:

| Word Formation | Part of the Body | Meaning
| Abdomin/o | Abdomen | Pertaining to the abdomen |
| Aden/o | Gland | Pertaining to a gland |
| Arteri/o | Artery | Pertaining to an artery |
| Audi/o | Ear | Pertaining to the ear |
| Bi/o | Life | Pertaining to life |
| Bronch/o | Bronchus | Pertaining to the bronchus |
| Cardi/o | Heart | Pertaining to the heart |
| Cerebr/o | Cerebrum | Pertaining to the cerebrum |
| Chol/e | Bile | Pertaining to bile |
| Cholecyst/o | Gallbladder | Pertaining to the gallbladder |
| Col/o | Colon | Pertaining to the colon |
| Crani/o | Skull | Pertaining to the skull |
| Cutane/o | Skin | Pertaining to the skin |
| Cyst/o | Bladder | Pertaining to the bladder |
| Dent/o | Teeth | Pertaining to teeth |
| Derm/o | Skin | Pertaining to the skin |
| Encephal/o | Brain | Pertaining to the brain |
| Gastro/o | Stomach | Pertaining to the stomach |
| Hem/o | Blood | Pertaining to the blood |
| Hepat/o | Liver | Pertaining to the liver |
| Hyster/o | Uterus | Pertaining to the uterus |
| Laryng/o | Larynx | Pertaining to the larynx |
| Leuk/o | White | Pertaining to white blood cells |
| Mamm/o | Breast | Pertaining to the breast |
| My/o | Muscle | Pertaining to the muscle |
| Myel/o | Bone marrow | Pertaining to bone marrow |
| Nephro/o | Kidney | Pertaining to the kidney |
| Neur/o | Nerve | Pertaining to the nerves |
| Ocul/o | Eye | Pertaining to the eye |
| Ot/o | Ear | Pertaining to the ear |
| Ovar/o | Ovary | Pertaining to the ovary |
| Pancreat/o | Pancreas | Pertaining to the pancreas |
| Phleb/o | Vein | Pertaining to the vein |
| Pneum/o | Lung | Pertaining to the lung |
| Prostat/o | Prostate | Pertaining to the prostate |
| Pulmon/o | Lung | Pertaining to the lung |
| Ren/o | Renal | Pertaining to the kidney |
| Rhin/o | Nose | Pertaining to the nose |
| Skelet/o | Skeleton | Pertaining to the skeleton |
| Spondyl/o | Vertebra | Pertaining to a vertebrae |
| Thorac/o | Chest | Pertaining to the chest |
| Thyroid/o | Thyroid gland | Pertaining to the thyroid gland |
| Tonsill/o | Tonsils | Pertaining to the tonsils |

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more parts of the body.