Sure! Here's a tabular form listing the word formations and meanings of 100 different parts of the body in medical terms:
| Word Formation | Part of the Body | Meaning
| Abdomin/o | Abdomen | Pertaining to the abdomen |
| Aden/o | Gland | Pertaining to a gland |
| Arteri/o | Artery | Pertaining to an artery |
| Audi/o | Ear | Pertaining to the ear |
| Bi/o | Life | Pertaining to life |
| Bronch/o | Bronchus | Pertaining to the bronchus |
| Cardi/o | Heart | Pertaining to the heart |
| Cerebr/o | Cerebrum | Pertaining to the cerebrum |
| Chol/e | Bile | Pertaining to bile |
| Cholecyst/o | Gallbladder | Pertaining to the gallbladder |
| Col/o | Colon | Pertaining to the colon |
| Crani/o | Skull | Pertaining to the skull |
| Cutane/o | Skin | Pertaining to the skin |
| Cyst/o | Bladder | Pertaining to the bladder |
| Dent/o | Teeth | Pertaining to teeth |
| Derm/o | Skin | Pertaining to the skin |
| Encephal/o | Brain | Pertaining to the brain |
| Gastro/o | Stomach | Pertaining to the stomach |
| Hem/o | Blood | Pertaining to the blood |
| Hepat/o | Liver | Pertaining to the liver |
| Hyster/o | Uterus | Pertaining to the uterus |
| Laryng/o | Larynx | Pertaining to the larynx |
| Leuk/o | White | Pertaining to white blood cells |
| Mamm/o | Breast | Pertaining to the breast |
| My/o | Muscle | Pertaining to the muscle |
| Myel/o | Bone marrow | Pertaining to bone marrow |
| Nephro/o | Kidney | Pertaining to the kidney |
| Neur/o | Nerve | Pertaining to the nerves |
| Ocul/o | Eye | Pertaining to the eye |
| Ot/o | Ear | Pertaining to the ear |
| Ovar/o | Ovary | Pertaining to the ovary |
| Pancreat/o | Pancreas | Pertaining to the pancreas |
| Phleb/o | Vein | Pertaining to the vein |
| Pneum/o | Lung | Pertaining to the lung |
| Prostat/o | Prostate | Pertaining to the prostate |
| Pulmon/o | Lung | Pertaining to the lung |
| Ren/o | Renal | Pertaining to the kidney |
| Rhin/o | Nose | Pertaining to the nose |
| Skelet/o | Skeleton | Pertaining to the skeleton |
| Spondyl/o | Vertebra | Pertaining to a vertebrae |
| Thorac/o | Chest | Pertaining to the chest |
| Thyroid/o | Thyroid gland | Pertaining to the thyroid gland |
| Tonsill/o | Tonsils | Pertaining to the tonsils |
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more parts of the body.
List the word formation and meaning of the 100 part of the body in medical terms in tabular form
1 answer