Issues that make the lowest impact on the ecosystem:
1. Using plastic straws
2. Using paper napkins
3. Sending emails
Using plastic straws makes the lowest impact on the ecosystem because they only make up a small percentage of plastic waste in the environment compared to other items such as plastic bottles and bags.
Issues that make the largest impact on the ecosystem:
1. Deforestation
2. Climate change
3. Pollution
Deforestation makes the largest impact on the ecosystem because it not only destroys habitats for countless species but also contributes to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to climate change and disrupting the balance of ecosystems.
One solution to deforestation is implementing sustainable logging practices, such as selectively harvesting trees instead of clear-cutting entire forests and promoting reforestation efforts to restore areas that have been deforested. Additionally, conserving and protecting existing forests through conservation initiatives and legislation can help mitigate the impact of deforestation on the ecosystem.
List the three issues that you believe make the lowest impact on the ecosystem.
Select one issue from #1 and describe why this makes the lowest impact on the ecosystem.
List the three issues that you believe make the largest impact on the ecosystem.
Select one issue from #3 and describe why this makes the largest impact on the ecosystem.
What is one solution to the issue listed in #4.
1 answer