List the subject matter that is typically shown in the style that you chose. For example, if you chose comic book art, you would list superheroes, villains, secret hideouts, and alter ego identities.

List the color schemes you should use. For comic book art, you could choose bright colors for the heroes, and dark colors for the villains.
Choose the background setting for your art. This could include a city, dark forest, sewer, or any environment that would work for your subject matter.
Choose the medium. Some choices are graphite pencil, oil pastels, paints, computer drawing programs, or even collage.
Create a few rough sketches to plan your drawing or art piece out. After it is planned, create your masterpiece.
Once you have finished your artwork, use the critique guidelines that you created to evaluate the success of your piece.
Scan or photograph your work to be submitted to your teacher for review. If you are unable to submit a digital copy of your artwork.

2 answers

u cant upload sketches or pictures on here.
wait so what do I draw?