List the physical and emotional changes that takes place in boys and girls during puberty

1 answer

Physical changes in boys during puberty:

1. Growth spurt: Boys experience a rapid increase in height during puberty.
2. Facial hair growth: Boys start growing facial hair, such as mustaches and beards.
3. Deepening of the voice: The voice becomes deeper and more mature.
4. Development of muscles: Boys develop larger and stronger muscles.
5. Enlargement of the and testicles: The and testicles grow in size.
6. Growth of body hair: Hair starts growing on the chest, underarms, and pubic area.
7. Acne: Boys may experience an increase in acne and oily skin.
8. Apple-shaped body: Boys may gain more weight around the abdomen, resulting in a more apple-shaped body.

Emotional changes in boys during puberty:

1. Mood swings: Boys may experience rapid and intense changes in emotions.
2. Increased sexual thoughts and feelings: Boys start becoming more interested in sexual thoughts and experiences.
3. Development of self-identity: Boys may question their identity and explore their interests and beliefs.
4. Increased independence and autonomy: Boys seek more independence from their parents and assert their own decisions.
5. Body image concerns: Boys may feel self-conscious about their changing bodies and compare themselves to peers.
6. Increased self-awareness: Boys become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions.
7. Increased focus on peer relationships: Boys may prioritize friendships and social connections more intensely.
8. Emotional sensitivity: Boys may become more emotionally sensitive and empathetic towards others.

Physical changes in girls during puberty:

1. Breast development: Girls experience growth and enlargement of their breast tissue.
2. Hip widening: The hips widen to prepare for childbirth.
3. Growth spurt: Girls experience a rapid increase in height during puberty.
4. Menstruation: Menstrual periods begin, indicating reproductive maturity.
5. Growth of body hair: Hair starts growing on the underarms and pubic area.
6. Skin changes: The skin may become oilier or develop acne.
7. Body shape changes: Girls may develop a more hourglass figure, with curves and a smaller waist.
8. Development of reproductive organs: The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes develop.

Emotional changes in girls during puberty:

1. Mood swings: Girls may experience rapid and intense changes in emotions.
2. Increased sexual thoughts and feelings: Girls start developing sexual desires and interests.
3. Body image concerns: Girls may develop body image concerns and compare themselves to peers.
4. Increased self-consciousness: Girls may become more aware of their appearance and think more about how others perceive them.
5. Emotional sensitivity: Girls may become more emotionally sensitive and empathetic towards others.
6. Development of self-identity: Girls may question their identity and explore their interests and beliefs.
7. Increased independence and autonomy: Girls seek more independence from their parents and assert their own decisions.
8. Focus on peer relationships: Girls may prioritize friendships and social connections more intensely.