list the of corporations that is incorporated for the purpose of financial gain for its shareholders and indicate the abbreviations that are used to identify the relevant companies in south africa

just list and indicate

1 answer

Here are some corporations that are incorporated for the purpose of financial gain for their shareholders in South Africa, along with their abbreviations:

  1. Woolworths Holdings Limited - WHL
  2. Shoprite Holdings Limited - SHP
  3. Naspers Limited - NPN
  4. Sasol Limited - SOL
  5. MTN Group Limited - MTN
  6. FirstRand Limited - FSR
  7. Investec Limited - INL
  8. ABSA Group Limited - ABG
  9. Standard Bank Group Limited - SBK
  10. Capitec Bank Holdings Limited - CPI

These companies are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and are primarily focused on generating profit for their shareholders.