List the equipment and materials to be included in the science kit.
o Explain what safety precautions are needed. Wear goggles, wear apron, wear gloves, and I am stuck there.
o Outline the step-by-step procedures for the experiment.
o Determine methods you can use to monitor student performance.The only one I can think of is walk around and observe the students.
o Select an appropriate assessment for this lesson. I do not know....
o Suggest opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning as a result of the experiment. I do not understand that one....
For example, you can have students draw the results of their experiment (art) or
research and write about other aspects of the subject (language arts)
the 1st one is the equipment I am not sure of yet... the materials in a science kit i think should be googles,gloves, apron, and the rest I am going blank on..... please help me I am trying... I need this done today.....
6 answers
Or are you going to measure the growth of different types of plants (like different flowers)?
Which ever you choose, you'll need to decide what equipment you need. Probably goggles aren't needed. How are you going to measure each student's knowledge?
I do not know the last ? answer.