List of inventions from the 1200 CE era that made global trade possible today

1 answer

1. Compass: The magnetic compass, invented by the Chinese during this era, revolutionized navigation by allowing sailors to determine their direction accurately. This greatly facilitated long-distance sea voyages and opened up new trade routes.

2. Astrolabe: Originating from ancient Greece but improved upon during the 1200s, the astrolabe was an instrument used for determining latitude and time. It aided navigation by allowing sailors to calculate their position accurately, essential for global trade.

3. Paper money: The use of paper money began during the 1200s in China and quickly spread to other parts of the world. This innovation greatly simplified trade, as people no longer needed to carry precious metals or barter goods for transactions.

4. Windmills: Windmills were developed during this period and became more efficient, making it easier to grind grain, pump water, and perform various tasks. This advancement helped increase agricultural productivity, thus supporting long-distance trade by ensuring stable food supplies.

5. Improved shipbuilding techniques: The construction of wooden ships during the 1200s became more advanced, allowing for larger, sturdier vessels capable of extended voyages. These ships played a crucial role in facilitating global trade by transporting goods and people across continents.

6. Gunpowder: While gunpowder's military applications are well-known, its impact on trade should not be underestimated. The invention of gunpowder during this era led to the production of firearms, which provided protection for trade caravans and made long-distance travel safer.

7. Watermills: Watermills were another significant innovation during the 1200s. These mills used flowing water to power machinery, leading to increased production of various goods such as textiles, paper, and metalwork. Their efficiency helped meet the demands of expanding trade networks.

8. Improved road systems: During this era, road infrastructure saw significant improvements. Governments and traders invested in maintaining and expanding road systems, which facilitated easier transportation of goods, linking distant regions and encouraging global trade.

9. Spice trade networks: Although not a specific invention, the establishment of extensive spice trade networks during the 1200s greatly impacted global trade. Increased demand for spices from Europe encouraged the development of trade routes connecting Europe, Asia, and Africa, leading to an exchange of goods, cultures, and ideas.

10. Sailing advancements: The 1200s marked a period of sailing advancements. Innovations such as lateen sails and sternpost rudders allowed ships to maneuver more effectively, enabling merchants to navigate challenging waters and explore new trade routes.

It is important to note that the impact of these inventions on global trade developed gradually over time, with some innovations gaining prominence in later centuries. Nonetheless, the groundwork laid during the 1200s played a significant role in shaping the foundations of today's global trade system.