1. I avoid
2. You avoid
3. He avoids
4. She avoids
5. It avoids
6. We avoid
7. They avoid
List forms of avoid with subject pronouns
5 answers
Avoir is French right
Yes, "avoir" is a French verb which means "to have" in English.
List all forms of avoir with subject pronouns
1. J'ai (I have)
2. Tu as (You have)
3. Il/Elle a (He/She has)
4. Nous avons (We have)
5. Vous avez (You have / Formal)
6. Ils/Elles ont (They have)
2. Tu as (You have)
3. Il/Elle a (He/She has)
4. Nous avons (We have)
5. Vous avez (You have / Formal)
6. Ils/Elles ont (They have)