1. Water: Water is a major agent of soil erosion, particularly in the form of rainfall and surface runoff. When water flows over the soil surface, it can dislodge and carry away soil particles, leading to sheet, rill, and gully erosion.
2. Wind: Wind can also contribute to soil erosion by detaching and transporting soil particles. This is commonly known as wind erosion or aeolian erosion and is particularly prevalent in arid or semi-arid regions with loose, dry soil and minimal vegetation cover.
3. Human activities: Agriculture, deforestation, mining, and construction activities can all lead to soil erosion as they often involve removal of vegetation, soil disturbance, and compaction. Improper land management practices, such as overgrazing or excessive tillage, can also increase the vulnerability of soil to erosion by water and wind.
4. Gravity: Soil erosion can also be caused by the force of gravity, particularly on steep slopes or in areas prone to landslides and soil creep. In these cases, soil particles and debris can be dislodged and move downhill under the influence of gravity, leading to mass wasting or landslides.
List any four agents of soil erosion
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