List and compare Kohlberg’s 6 stages of moral development and Piaget’s theory of moral development.

4 answers

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what are the difference between one another
I suggest you list the different theories in two separate columns. Then, you'll be able to see the differences between them.
Kohlberg’s 6 stages of moral development
1. Punishment and Obedience
2. Mutual Benefit
3. Interpersonal Expectations
4. Law and Order
5. Legal Principles
6. Universal Moral Principles

Based on a individuals reason to follow moral decisions

Piaget’s theory of moral development
1. Sensorimotorgnitive decelopment
2. Preoperational
3. Concrete operations
4. Formal operations
Based on the congnitive development of children progress through 4 distinct stages
therefore each stage represents a fudamental shift in how the child thinks and undertstands the world