List all subsets of the following set:

{dog, cat, fish}

{dog}; {cat}; {fish}
{dog}; {cat}; {fish} - no response given

{dog}; {cat}; {fish}; {dog, cat}; {dog, fish}
{dog}; {cat}; {fish}; {dog, cat}; {dog, fish} - no response given

Left Brace empty Right Brace;{dog}; {cat}; {fish}; {dog, cat}; {dog, fish}
- image with description: Left Brace empty Right Brace - ;{dog}; {cat}; {fish}; {dog, cat}; {dog, fish} - no response given

Left Brace empty Right Brace; {dog}; {cat}; {fish}; {dog, cat}; {dog, fish}; {cat, fish}; {dog, cat, fish}

1 answer

{dog}; {cat}; {fish}; {dog, cat}; {dog, fish}; {cat, fish}; {dog, cat, fish}