List 20 mammals found in nigeria there common name, scientific name and ecological zones

1 answer

1. African Elephant - Loxodonta africana - Forest and savanna zones
2. Chimpanzee - Pan troglodytes - Rainforest zone
3. Lion - Panthera leo - Savanna zone
4. Giraffe - Giraffa camelopardalis - Savanna zone
5. African Buffalo - Syncerus caffer - Savanna zone
6. Hippopotamus - Hippopotamus amphibius - Wetlands and rivers
7. Leopard - Panthera pardus - Forest and savanna zones
8. African Wild Dog - Lycaon pictus - Savanna zone
9. African Golden Cat - Caracal aurata - Rainforest zone
10. African Civet - Civettictis civetta - Forest zone
11. Common Warthog - Phacochoerus africanus - Savanna zone
12. West African Manatee - Trichechus senegalensis - Coastal zones
13. Red River Hog - Potamochoerus porcus - Rainforest zone
14. Serval - Leptailurus serval - Grasslands and savanna zones
15. Giant Pangolin - Smutsia gigantea - Forest zone
16. White-throated Monkey - Cercopithecus erythrogaster - Rainforest zone
17. Nigerian Galago - Galago nigeriensis - Forest zone
18. African Palm Civet - Nandinia binotata - Forest and savanna zones
19. Giant Otter Shrew - Potamogale velox - Rivers and wetlands
20. Sitatunga - Tragelaphus spekii - Wetlands and marshes.