Body Part | Greek Word | Latin Word | Word Formation | Meaning
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
1. Head | Kephalē | Caput | Greek: kephalos + Latin: caput | The uppermost part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth.
2. Eye | Ophthalmos | Oculus | Greek: ophthalmos + Latin: oculus | The organ responsible for vision.
3. Ear | Ous | Auris | Greek: ous + Latin: auris | The organ of hearing.
4. Nose | Rhis | Nasus | Greek: rhis + Latin: nasus | The facial organ responsible for the sense of smell.
5. Mouth | Stoma | Os | Greek: stoma + Latin: os | The opening through which food is taken and speech is produced.
6. Tongue | Glossa | Lingua | Greek: glossa + Latin: lingua | The muscular organ in the mouth responsible for tasting, swallowing, and speech.
7. Tooth | Odous | Dens | Greek: odous + Latin: dens | Hard structure in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
8. Jaw | Gnathos | Maxilla | Greek: gnathos + Latin: maxilla | The bone structure in the mouth used for chewing and speaking.
9. Neck | Trachēla | Collum | Greek: trachēla + Latin: collum | The part of the body connecting the head to the torso.
10. Shoulder | Omos | Humerus | Greek: omos + Latin: humerus | The joint connecting the arm to the torso.
11. Arm | Brachion | Brachium | Greek: brachion + Latin: brachium | The upper limb of the body from shoulder to hand.
12. Elbow | Kōlymos | Cubitus | Greek: kōlymos + Latin: cubitus | The joint in the middle of the arm where it bends.
13. Wrist | Karpē | Carpus | Greek: karpē + Latin: carpus | The joint connecting the hand to the forearm.
14. Hand | Cheir | Manus | Greek: cheir + Latin: manus | The part of the body at the end of the arm, consisting of the palm, fingers, and thumb.
15. Finger | Daktulos | Digits | Greek: daktulos + Latin: digits | One of the five digits on the hand.
16. Thumb | Pollex | Pollex | Latin: pollex | The first digit on the hand, opposed to the other fingers.
17. Palm | Palama | Palmus | Greek: palama + Latin: palmus | The flat part of the hand between the wrist and fingers.
18. Fingernail | Onyx | Unguis | Greek: onyx + Latin: unguis | The plate that protects the upper surface of the finger.
19. Chest | Thōrax | Pectus | Greek: thōrax + Latin: pectus | The upper front part of the torso, between the neck and abdomen.
20. Breast | Mastos | Mamma | Greek: mastos + Latin: mamma | Either of the two milk-secreting glands on the chest of a woman.
21. Heart | Kardia | Cor | Greek: kardia + Latin: cor | The muscular organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
22. Lung | Pneumōn | Pulmo | Greek: pneumōn + Latin: pulmo | Either of the pair of respiratory organs situated within the chest cavity.
23. Stomach | Gaster | Ventriculus | Greek: gaster + Latin: ventriculus | The organ in the digestive system where food is digested before entering the intestines.
24. Liver | Hepar | Iecur | Greek: hepar + Latin: iecur | A large, reddish-brown organ located in the upper right abdomen responsible for various metabolic functions.
25. Intestine | Enteron | Intestinum | Greek: enteron + Latin: intestinum | The long, tube-like organ of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and anus.
26. Kidney | Nephrōn | Ren | Greek: nephrōn + Latin: ren | Either of the pair of organs located in the back of the abdominal cavity responsible for filtering waste from the blood.
27. Bladder | Kystis | Vesica | Greek: kystis + Latin: vesica | The muscular sac in the pelvis that stores urine before excretion.
28. Hip | Ḥōlion | Coxae | Greek: ḥōlion + Latin: coxae | The area on either side of the body, between the pelvis and upper thigh.
29. Leg | Pous | Crus | Greek: pous + Latin: crus | The lower limb of the body from hip to foot.
30. Thigh | Meros | Femur | Greek: meros + Latin: femur | The part of the leg between the hip and the knee.
31. Knee | Gony | Genu | Greek: gony + Latin: genu | The joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
32. Calf | Sura | Surulus | Greek: sura + Latin: surulus | The back part of the lower leg between the knee and ankle.
33. Ankle | Hēlē | Tarsus | Greek: hēlē + Latin: tarsus | The joint connecting the leg to the foot.
34. Foot | Pous | Pes | Greek: pous + Latin: pes | The terminal part of the leg that supports the weight of the body and allows for movement.
35. Toe | Daktulos | Digits | Greek: daktulos + Latin: digits | One of the five digits on the foot.
36. Sole | Plantē | Planta | Greek: plantē + Latin: planta | The lower surface of the foot.
37. Heel | Tripous | Calcaneus | Greek: tripous + Latin: calcaneus | The back part of the foot below the ankle.
38. Skin | Derma | Cutis | Greek: derma + Latin: cutis | The external protective covering of the body.
39. Hair | Triches | Capillus | Greek: triches + Latin: capillus | The thread-like strands that grow from follicles on the scalp.
40. Nail | Onyx | Unguis | Greek: onyx + Latin: unguis | The plate that protects the upper surface of the finger and toe.
41. Bone | Osteon | Os | Greek: osteon + Latin: os | The rigid connective tissue forming the skeleton of vertebrates.
42. Muscle | Myos | Musculus | Greek: myos + Latin: musculus | The tissue composed of contractile cells responsible for movement in the body.
43. Joint | Arthron | Articulus | Greek: arthron + Latin: articulus | The point of connection between two or more bones.
44. Ligament | Desmos | Ligamentum | Greek: desmos + Latin: ligamentum | The fibrous connective tissue that connects bones or holds organs in place.
45. Tendon | Tendōn | Tendo | Greek: tendōn + Latin: tendo | The flexible cord of fibrous tissue that attaches muscle to bone.
46. Blood | Haima | Sanguis | Greek: haima + Latin: sanguis | The red fluid that circulates in the arteries and veins, carrying oxygen and nutrients.
47. Vein | Phleps | Vena | Greek: phleps + Latin: vena | The blood vessel that carries blood back towards the heart.
48. Artery | Artēria | Arteria | Greek: artēria + Latin: arteria | The blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
49. Nerve | Neuron | Nervus | Greek: neuron + Latin: nervus | The fiber bundle that transmits signals between the brain and other parts of the body.
50. Brain | Enképhalos | Cerebrum | Greek: enképhalos + Latin: cerebrum | The organ that serves as the center of the nervous system and controls thoughts and movements.
51. Spine | Rachis | Spina | Greek: rachis + Latin: spina | The bony structure consisting of vertebrae that protects the spinal cord.
52. Skull | Kranion | Cranium | Greek: kranion + Latin: cranium | The bony structure that encloses and protects the brain and sensory organs.
53. Rib | Pleuron | Costa | Greek: pleuron + Latin: costa | The curved bones that form the chest wall and protect the internal organs.
54. Pelvis | Pelvis | Pelvis | Latin: pelvis | The basin-shaped structure that supports the spine and houses the reproductive organs.
55. Throat | Sthenos | Guttur | Greek: sthenos + Latin: guttur | The passage that connects the mouth and nose to the esophagus and windpipe.
56. Esophagus | Oisophagos | Esophagus | Greek: oisophagos + Latin: esophagus | The muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach.
57. Heart | Kardia | Cor | Greek: kardia + Latin: cor | The muscular organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
58. Liver | Hepar | Iecur | Greek: hepar + Latin: iecur | A large, reddish-brown organ located in the upper right abdomen responsible for various metabolic functions.
59. Gallbladder | Khole | Vesicula | Greek: khole + Latin: vesicula | The small sac underneath the liver that stores bile.
60. Pancreas | Pankreas | Pancreas | Greek: pankreas + Latin: pancreas | The glandular organ located behind the stomach that produces insulin and digestive enzymes.
61. Spleen | Splēn | Lien | Greek: splēn + Latin: lien | The lymphatic organ located on the left side of the abdomen that filters and stores red blood cells.
62. Adrenal Gland | Adrēnas | Glandulae suprarenales | Greek: adrēnas + Latin: glandulae suprarenales | The endocrine glands located on top of the kidneys that produce hormones.
63. Uterus | Hystera | Uterus | Greek: hystera + Latin: uterus | The female reproductive organ where fertilized eggs implant and develop into a fetus.
64. Ovary | Ophoron | Ovarium | Greek: ophoron + Latin: ovarium | The female reproductive organ that produces eggs and hormones.
65. Testicle | Orchis | Testis | Greek: orchis + Latin: testis | The male reproductive organ that produces sperm and hormones.
66. | Phallus | | Greek: phallus + Latin: | The external genital organ of male mammals.
67. | Kolpos | | Greek: kolpos + Latin: | The muscular canal in the female reproductive system that connects the cervix to the external genitalia.
68. Bladder | Kystis | Vesica | Greek: kystis + Latin: vesica | The muscular sac in the pelvis that stores urine before excretion.
69. Urethra | Oureter | Urethra | Greek: oureter + Latin: urethra | The duct that carries urine from the bladder to the external urinary opening.
70. Anus | Analos | Anus | Greek: analos + Latin: anus | The external opening at the end of the digestive tract through which waste is eliminated.
71. Test | Dokimion | Testum | Greek: dokimion + Latin: testum | A procedure conducted to determine the presence or absence of a particular substance or condition in the body.
72. X-ray | Xaina | Radiographus | Greek: xaina + Latin: radiographus | A diagnostic imaging technique that uses radiation to create images of the bones and internal structures.
73. CT scan | Tomos | Tomographus | Greek: tomos + Latin: tomographus | A type of imaging that uses X-rays and computers to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body.
74. MRI | Igeomagikē | Resonantia Magnetica | Greek: igeomagikē + Latin: resonantia magnetica | A technique that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed images of the internal organs.
75. Ultrasound | Hupo | Ultrasounum | Greek: hupo + Latin: ultrasounum | A diagnostic imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the internal organs.
76. Injection | Enthetē | Injectio | Greek: enthetē + Latin: injectio | The introduction of a liquid substance into the body with a needle.
77. Surgery | Cheirourgia | Chirurgia | Greek: cheirourgia + Latin: chirurgia | The branch of medicine that deals with operative procedures to treat diseases or injuries.
78. Anesthesia | Narkē | Anesthesia | Greek: narkē + Latin: anesthesia | The state of temporary loss of sensation or consciousness induced for medical procedures.
79. Antibiotic | Anti (+ bios) | Antibioticum | Greek: anti + bios + Latin: antibioticum | A medication that inhibits or kills microorganisms to treat or prevent infections.
80. Anticoagulant | Anti (+ koagulō) | Anticoagulans | Greek: anti + koagulō + Latin: anticoagulans | A substance that prevents the formation of blood clots.
81. Antidepressant | Anti (+ depressio) | Antidepressivum | Greek: anti + depressio + Latin: antidepressivum | A medication used to alleviate symptoms of depression and related disorders.
82. Antihistamine | Anti (+ histami) | Antihistaminicum | Greek: anti + histami + Latin: antihistaminicum | A medication that alleviates symptoms of allergies by blocking the effects of histamine.
83. Analgesic | Ana (+ algos) | Analgetica | Greek: ana + algos + Latin: analgetica | A medication that relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness.
84. Antacid | Ana (+ kaiō) | Antacidum | Greek: ana + kaiō + Latin: antacidum | A medication that neutralizes excess stomach acid to relieve heartburn and indigestion.
85. Diuretic | Dia (+ ouron) | Diuretica | Greek: dia + ouron + Latin: diuretica | A medication that promotes increased urine production to remove excess fluid and salt from the body.
86. Antibody | Anti (+ soma) | Anticorpus | Greek: anti + soma + Latin: anticorpus | A protein produced by the immune system in response to foreign substances to defend against infection.
87. Enzyme | En (+ zyme) | Enzymum | Greek: en + zyme + Latin: enzymum | A protein that acts as a catalyst in chemical reactions in the body.
88. Hormone | Hormaō | Hormonum | Greek: hormaō + Latin: hormonum | A chemical substance produced by glands that regulate various bodily functions and processes.
89. Cancer | Karkinos | Cancer | Greek: karkinos + Latin: cancer | A disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.
90. Diabetes | Diabetes | Diabetes | Greek: diabetes + Latin: diabetes | A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels due to inadequate production or utilization of insulin.
91. Hypertension | Hyper (+ tension) | Hypertensio | Greek: hyper + tension + Latin: hypertensio | High blood pressure, a condition where the force of blood against the artery walls is too high.
92. Asthma | Asthma | Asthma | Greek: asthma + Latin: asthma | A chronic lung condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to breathing difficulties.
93. Arthritis | Arthron (+ itis) | Arthritis | Greek: arthron + itis + Latin: arthritis | Inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, stiffness, and immobility.
94. Anemia | Anaimia | Anemia | Greek: anaimia + Latin: anemia | A condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin, leading to fatigue and weakness.
95. Allergy | Allos | Allergia | Greek: allos + Latin: allergia | An exaggerated immune response to a harmless substance, leading to symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.
96. Migraine | Hēmikrania | Hemicrania | Greek: hēmikrania + Latin: hemicrania | A type of headache characterized by severe pain, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.
97. Insomnia | Insomnia | Insomnia | Latin: insomnia | A sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
98. Obesity | Obesity | Obesitas | Latin: obesity | A condition of excess body weight caused by an accumulation of fat in the body.
99. Depression | Depressio | Depressio | Latin: depressio | A mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and lack of energy or pleasure in activities.
100. Anxiety | Anxiety | Anxiety | Latin: anxiety | A mental health disorder characterized by excessive worry, fear, and apprehension.
List 100 part of the body,write out their Greek and Latin words and word formation and meaning in a tabular form
1 answer