cup size fraction fruit amount fruit
.25 x + .5 = x+.2
.3 = .75 x
x = .3/.75 = .4 liters
Lisa will make punch that is 25% fruit juice by adding pure fruit juice to a 2-liter mixture that is 10% pure fruit juice. How many liters of pure fruit juice does she need to add?
4 answers
Thank you
1. 10%of 2 liters is .2 liters of pure fruit juice then,
To make it 25% we must add how much which is .3 liters to 2 liters which will make it 2.3 liters so 25% of 2.3 liters of juice will be 25/100 into 2.3 which is 1/4 into 2300 which is 23 into 25 milliliters
Which is .5 l approx
To make it 25% we must add how much which is .3 liters to 2 liters which will make it 2.3 liters so 25% of 2.3 liters of juice will be 25/100 into 2.3 which is 1/4 into 2300 which is 23 into 25 milliliters
Which is .5 l approx