Linear Regression
In the babies.dta full dataset, generate a covariate called painind defined as 1 if the infant experienced severe pain upon receiving the shot (pain0 = 7) and as 0 otherwise. In Stata, you can use the commands:
generate painind = 0
replace painind = 1 if pain0 == 7
Fit a linear regression model with total cry time as the outcome; and with group and painind (the severe pain indicator) as covariates. The regression model is:
where .
1. Using the notation from the model above, what are your estimates of the regression coefficients and residual standard deviation?
2. Using the fitted regression model, estimate the average change in cry time for infants with severe pain versus those without severe pain, holding group constant. Provide a 95% confidence interval for this estimate.
95% Confidence interval Lower Bound:
95% Confidence interval Upper Bound:
1 answer
0.0035 - 0.045