Linda never had to work very had to make good grades in highschool .but in college where the of coursework were greater

1 answer

and the level of competition was higher, Linda realized that she needed to work much harder to maintain her good grades. She couldn't rely solely on her natural ability anymore. She spent long hours studying, attending extra help sessions, and seeking out additional resources to ensure her success.

Linda joined study groups and formed study schedules to manage her time effectively. She sought guidance from professors and utilized academic support services, such as tutoring and writing centers. She learned to prioritize tasks, stay organized, and be disciplined in her approach to studying.

Despite the increased workload and challenges, Linda embraced the opportunity to push herself academically. She became more proactive in seeking clarification on difficult concepts and took advantage of feedback to continuously improve. Linda's dedication and hard work paid off as she achieved excellent grades in her college coursework.

Through this experience, Linda not only learned the value of hard work and perseverance but also realized the importance of being proactive and resourceful. She developed strong study habits and time management skills that continued to benefit her throughout her college journey and in other aspects of her life.

Linda's college experience taught her that success is not solely based on natural talent but also on dedication, discipline, and the willingness to put in the effort. It was a valuable lesson that shaped her mindset and approach towards future challenges.