3Beds * 58kg/Bed * 1Lb/0.454kg=383 Lbs
= Wt. of the Beds.
90 Lbs. = Wt. of stretcher.
Total Wt = 383 + 80 = 473 Lbs.
Cost = 2.10/Lb*473Lbs - 20% Discount.
Cost = 993.30 - 0.20*993.30 = $794.64.
Total cost = 4 * 794.64 = $3178.56
b. 6Beds*58kg/Bed * 1Lb/0.454kg=767 Lbs
= Wt. of the Beds.
2 * 90 = 180 Lbs = Wt. of the stretchers.
Tot. Wt. = 767 + 180 = 947 Lbs.
Cost = P - 0.4P = 0.6P.
Cost = 0.6 * 2.10/Lb*947Lbs = $1193.22
Tot. Cost = 2 * 1193.22 = $2386.44.
Lin-Yee is helping to set up a health clinic in Inuvik by collecting and shipping medical supplies from Calgary. She has found these shipping rates online:
• regular rate: $2.10/lb
• ship 101 to 500 lb, get a 20% discount
• ship over 500 lb, get a 40% discount
A large medical supply company has promised to donate 12 hospital beds and 4 wheeled stretchers over four months. Each bed weighs 58 kg and each stretcher weighs 90 lb.
a) How much will it cost total if she ships a quarter of the equipment (three beds and one stretcher) each month?
b) How much will it cost total if she ships half the equipment every two months?
1 answer