limited and unlimited government quick check

1 answer

Certainly! Here’s a quick overview to differentiate between limited and unlimited government:

Limited Government:

  • Definition: A system of governance where the powers of the government are restricted by law, usually in a constitution.
  • Characteristics:
    • Upholds individual rights and liberties.
    • Government actions are regulated and specified.
    • Citizens have a role in decision-making, often through elected representatives.
    • Emphasis on the rule of law and checks and balances.
  • Examples: Democratic governments, such as the United States, where the Constitution limits government power.

Unlimited Government:

  • Definition: A system where the government has no effective limits on its powers and can act without legal constraints.
  • Characteristics:
    • Authority is centralized and often autocratic or totalitarian.
    • Individual rights may be suppressed or ignored.
    • Little to no public participation in governance.
    • Laws can be arbitrarily applied, often used to maintain control.
  • Examples: Authoritarian regimes, such as North Korea, where government power is not restrained by law.


Limited government emphasizes individual rights and checks on power, while unlimited government concentrates power and often disregards personal freedoms.