Lily can use a thesaurus to improve her word choice. A thesaurus lists synonyms or different words that have similar meanings, so she can find more interesting words to use in her essay and avoid repeating the same ones.
John can use a dictionary to improve his word choice. A dictionary provides definitions of words, so he can make sure the words he wants to use match his intended meaning and avoid any confusion or misinterpretation in his essay.
Lily and John both have an essay returned by the teacher with a request for edits. Lily’s essay is returned because she used the same boring words over and over again. John’s essay is returned because he used words with definitions that did not match his intended meaning. In 2 sentences, explain which reference source would help these students to correct their word choice. Identify the reference source for each student to use and explain why or how it would help them. Write this like a 7th grader
3 answers
Write it like a 7th grader
Lily can use a super cool book called a thesaurus to make her essay words more interesting. It has different words that mean the same thing, so she won't say the same boring words over and over again.
John should grab a dictionary to fix his essay words. It has the meaning of words, so he can make sure he's using the right ones that match what he wants to say. It'll help him avoid any misunderstandings in his essay.
John should grab a dictionary to fix his essay words. It has the meaning of words, so he can make sure he's using the right ones that match what he wants to say. It'll help him avoid any misunderstandings in his essay.