light of the moon. Then, to the astonishment of all who watched, the Whopper of the West came alive! With a mighty splash, the Whopper leaped back into the river, its tail sending waves crashing against the shore. As it disappeared into the depths once more, it left behind only ripples on the surface and a tale of bravery and adventure that would be told for generations to come.
What plot feature is something both stories have in common?
• they are both told in first person point of view
• they are both told through a memoir of a fisherman
• they both focus on one person’s autobiographical tale of the whooper of the west
• they are both fictional stories about fishing
3 answers
• they both focus on the mythical creature known as the Whopper of the West
That's not one of the answer choices
I apologize for that mistake. The correct answer is: they both focus on one person's autobiographical tale of the Whopper of the West.