Light bulbs need to be replaced in Day Surgery waiting room, a painting need to be mount back on the wall

3 answers

IT (an singular object) needs. He needs. Mom needs. The window needs washing.
They (Plural things) need. The cars need washing. .Those windows need washing
also, no comma splice - run-on sentence.
also, a period at the end.
also, "needs to be mounted". (oddly enough, in some locales, "needs mounted")
I will appreciate if someone can help me with my homework:
I have to write sentences using USED or DIDN’T USE.
The teacher write sentences about him and then he said START TO WRITE SENTENCES WITH USE.
He wrote:
1. I don’t work long hours any more.
2. I live in the countryside now.
3. I go jogging every morning now.
4. I don’t have long hair any more.
5. I have many friends now.
6. I don´t wear glasses any more.
My answers:
1. I used to work long hours.
2. I didn’t use to live in the countryside.
3. I didn’t use to go jogging every morning.
4. I used to have long hair.
5. I didn’t use to have many friends.
6. I used wear glasses.