Lets suppose I am a Manager of some IT company. We have our IT recruiting team who work on employees to get them job until they don't find job, our company has to pay those employees. My team and I want to research on how to increase their skills so they can find a job. Can you help me out?
I suggest you start by researching what jobs are available in the area around your IT company. Then train the employees to fill these jobs.
ok good start.
Lets say it's Java Job. How do I increase their skills on that subject?
I don't know anything about Java programming -- but this article may get you started.
You might want to post a new question asking about Java programming.
Can you give me tips on how to manage a company. How do i bring changes in them?
Honesty with other companies and employees is the first principle of good management. Appreciate -- both monetarily and verbally -- what the employees do for the company. Encourage change and give the employees solid reasons for change.
I have to brush up their JAVA skills. Do I tell them to read books and get a training or something?
You could bring in an instructor to give them training during the work day. I think that would be better than telling them to read books or study online resources.
what else I can do?
Isn't giving training with a professional instructor enough?
Training and a professional instructor should be the best bet.
The secret to getting better at programming is doing a lot of it and projects that have stuff in it you have never done before. Then the programmer has to look at other programs and see how they are done. Then adapt the program they are working on to the concepts and ideas in the programs that perform a similar function.