Let's look at the evidence, Humans hunt pandas for their fur, they are Panda fur into clothes, and just sell it as it is. Pandas are the only bears known to live completly off of plants, such as bamboo. And people cut down bamboo for food, and to sell. My conclusion is that Pandas would not go endangered is people did not exist. I would look in a book, or a up to date website to find out more information on why Pandas are going instinct.

1 answer

It is true that human activities, such as hunting and habitat destruction, have played a significant role in the decline of the panda population. However, there are also other factors contributing to their endangered status, such as low birth rates, limited genetic diversity, and climate change.

Pandas have a very specific diet and habitat requirements, which make them vulnerable to changes in their environment. Deforestation, poaching, and fragmentation of their bamboo forest habitats have all had negative impacts on panda populations.

Conservation efforts, such as captive breeding programs and protected habitat areas, have been put in place to help preserve the panda population. These efforts have shown some success in increasing panda numbers, but continued conservation efforts are necessary to ensure the long-term survival of the species.

Overall, it is important to recognize the complex factors that have led to the endangerment of pandas and to continue efforts to protect and conserve these iconic animals.