Let V be the set of ordered pairs [a,b] of real

numbers. Decide with clear reason, whether or
not V is a vector space over a field of real
numbers with addition in V and scaler multiplication on V defined by:
a) [a,b]+[c,d] =[ac, bd]
b) k[a,b] = [ka, kb]
c) [a,b]+[c,d] = [(a+c), (b+d)]
c) k[a,b] = [a,b]

step plz i beg idealess

1 answer

Scalar multiplication properties makes d wrong, and b correct.
Vector addition rules make a) very wrong, and c correct.

I look at the words "clear reason", and wonder. There properties of vectors are pretty basic, http://www.math.ubc.ca/~feldman/m226/vectorppties.pdf
Vector addition and subtraction
Combined vector operations