Let f:{0,1}^3→{0,1} with f(101)=1 and f(x)=0 for x≠101. In this question, we will run through two iterations of the algorithm.
(a) What is the superposition after the initialization step? Note that you can describe the superposition ∑x∈{0,1}3αx|x> by specifying two numbers α101 and αx for x≠101.
Answer in this format: α101: αx for x≠101:
(b) After the phase inversion in iteration 1?
Answer in this format: α101: αx for x≠101:
(c) After the inversion about mean in iteration 1?
Answer in this format: α101: αx for x≠101:
(d) After the phase inversion in iteration 2?
Answer in this format: α101: αx for x≠101:
(e) After the inversion about mean in iteration 2?
Answer in this format: α101: αx for x≠101:
3 answers
Anyone please!
problem 6 plz