Lesson self reflection (Technology Grade 8)

1.Preparation and research-was i well presented and could i have done differently
2.Written plan-Was i well prepared? Did the written format work
3.Presentation- were learners involved? Was i clear in my presentation? How was the pacing?
4.Assessment- Does my method of assessment measure what i want? How did the class do

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in the assessment? Were there any areas that were particularly challenging for them?
5. Reflection on technology used- Did the technology enhance my lesson or detract from it? Were there any technical difficulties that affected the lesson?
6. Classroom management- How was my control of the classroom during the lesson? Were there any disruptions or distractions that could have been handled differently?
7. Student engagement- Were the students actively engaged in the lesson? Did they seem interested and motivated to participate?
8. Overall lesson success- Did the lesson achieve its learning objectives? Were there any areas that could have been improved or changed for future lessons?
9. Personal growth- What did I learn from this lesson? How can I use this experience to improve my teaching in the future?
10. Feedback- What feedback did I receive from the students and/or colleagues? How can I use this feedback to make adjustments for future lessons?