1. In terms of preparation and research, I believe I was well presented during my lesson. However, I could have done differently by incorporating more interactive activities or multimedia resources to enhance the engagement of the learners.
2. My written plan was detailed and well-prepared, outlining the objectives and topics to be covered during the lesson. The written format worked effectively in guiding my delivery and ensuring that I stayed on track.
3. During the presentation, I made an effort to involve the learners by asking questions, encouraging discussions, and providing opportunities for hands-on activities. I believe that the learners were engaged, and I was clear in my presentation. The pacing of the lesson was appropriate, allowing for sufficient time to cover the material without rushing through it.
4. In terms of assessment, I believe that my method effectively measured the learning outcomes that I had set for the lesson. The class performed well on the assessments, demonstrating their understanding of the concepts taught. Overall, I believe that the lesson was successful, but there is always room for improvement in terms of enhancing learner engagement and ensuring that all students are meeting the learning objectives.
Lesson self reflection (Life Sciences Grade 11)
Answer based on the following
1.Preparation and research-was i well presented and could i have done differently
2.Written plan-Was i well prepared? Did the written format work
3.Presentation- were learners involved? Was i clear in my presentation? How was the pacing?
4.Assessment- Does my method of assessment measure what i want? How did the class do
1 answer