Lesson plan for informal letter

1 answer

Grade Level: 5-6

Subject: English

Objective: Students will be able to write an informal letter using appropriate language, structure, and format.

Materials needed: paper, pencils, sample informal letter, writing prompt

Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Ask students to brainstorm examples of situations in which they might write an informal letter (e.g. letter to a friend, thank you letter, invitation).
- Discuss the characteristics of an informal letter, such as a friendly tone, personal language, and casual format.

Instruction (15 minutes):
- Provide students with a sample informal letter and go over the basic structure (date, greeting, body, closing, signature).
- Review key language features of an informal letter, such as contractions, idiomatic expressions, and informal vocabulary.
- Discuss the importance of addressing the recipient by name and including personal details and anecdotes.

Guided Practice (20 minutes):
- Put students into pairs and have them practice writing an informal letter to each other, using a writing prompt (e.g. write a letter to a friend inviting them to a party).
- Circulate around the room to offer support, provide feedback, and answer any questions that arise.

Independent Practice (15 minutes):
- Have students write their own informal letters based on a different writing prompt or their own ideas.
- Encourage them to focus on using appropriate language, structure, and format, as well as expressing their ideas clearly and engagingly.

Closing (5 minutes):
- Have students share their letters with a partner or small group, providing feedback on each other's work.
- Discuss any common mistakes or areas for improvement that emerged during the practice session.

Extension activity:
- Challenge students to write an informal letter to a real person in their lives (e.g. a family member, teacher, or community member) and send it via mail or email.
- Encourage them to reflect on the experience and any responses they receive.