Lesson pages 6-9:

_______________ is how a poem is organized, including rhyme, rhythm, number of lines, etc.

A _______________ is a group of lines in a poem.

A _______________ _______________ is the ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem.
_______________ is the number of beats or stressed syllables per line of poetry.

Romeo & Juliet:

How does Friar Lawrence react to Romeo’s sudden change of heart from Rosaline to Juliet? What does this reveal about Romeo’s character?

Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet despite his initial hesitation? What does he hope to achieve?

How does the Nurse act when she meets Romeo, and what does this show about her character?

What instructions from Romeo does the Nurse give to Juliet?

How does Friar Lawrence advise Romeo and Juliet before he marries them? What does this reveal about his concerns?

How are the themes of love and conflict developed in these scenes?

Lesson pages 1-4:

_______________ is when several words in a short section begin with the same sound. For example- “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” (Repeats the “p” sound)

_______________ is when several words in a short section contain the same vowel sound. For example- “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” (Repeats the “ee” sound)

_______________ is when several words in a short section contain the same consonant sound. For example- “He struck a streak of bad luck.” (Repeats the “k” sound)

_______________ is when a line break occurs in the middle of a sentence or phrase in a poem.

Romeo & Juliet:

How does Romeo try to intervene in the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio? Why does he do this?

According to Prince Escalus’ decree in Act 1, what should be the consequence of Romeo’s involvement in Tybalt's and Mercutio's deaths?

What punishment does the Prince decree for Romeo? Why does he choose this punishment instead of a harsher one?

What does Juliet’s soliloquy reveal about her feelings towards Romeo and their marriage?

How does Juliet react to the news of Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment?

How does Romeo react to the news of his banishment? What does he say about living without Juliet?

What message does the Nurse bring from Juliet to Romeo?

What plan does Friar Lawrence propose to help Romeo avoid immediate danger and eventually reunite with Juliet?

Lesson pages 6-9:

Descriptions in a poem that evoke mental snapshots that appeal to the five senses are called _______________.

Why do authors use imagery and sensory language in their poems?

Romeo & Juliet:

What decision does Lord Capulet make regarding Juliet's marriage to Paris and why?

How does Paris react to Lord Capulet’s decision? What does this reveal about Paris’s character and his attitude towards marriage?

In the beginning of Act 3, Scene 5, what are Romeo and Juliet arguing about?

How does Juliet feel after Romeo leaves her?

How does Juliet respond to the news of her upcoming marriage to Paris? What threats does Lord Capulet make to Juliet if she does not obey his wishes?

What advice does the Nurse give Juliet? How does this make Juliet feel?

What decision does Juliet make at the end of Act 3 Scene 5?

How does Juliet’s character develop in these scenes, particularly in her responses to her parents and the Nurse?


Structure of a Five Act Play
Act 1- Exposition

Act 2- Rising Action (Complication)

Act 3- Climax

Act 4- Falling Action

Act 5- Resolution

Romeo & Juliet:

What plan does Friar Lawrence devise to help Juliet avoid marrying Paris?

How does Juliet’s behavior towards her parents and the Nurse reflect her determination to follow through with Friar Lawrence’s plan?

What use of comic relief do you see in Act 4, Scene 2?

What fears does Juliet express before taking the potion? How does she rationalize taking the potion despite these fears?

What is the name for the kind of dramatic speech Juliet gives at the end of Scene 3? How Is this different from a monologue?


_______________ are sections of a drama that are separated by time or location.

_______________ _______________ tell the team putting a drama together what is happening on stage. These are NOT read aloud by the actors.

What is an example of verbal irony?

What is an example of dramatic irony?

What is an example of situational irony?

Romeo & Juliet:

In Act 4 Scene 4, the Capulets are preparing for Juliet’s wedding; however, as readers of the play, we know that Juliet has taken Friar Lawrence’s potion and is “dead.” What type of irony is this?

How do the Nurse and Lady Capulet react when they discover Juliet “dead” in her bed?

How does Lord Capulet react to Juliet’s apparent death? What does this reveal about his character?

How does Paris react to Juliet’s death? What does this suggest about his feelings for her?

How does Friar Lawrence attempt to comfort the Capulet family after Juliet’s “death”? What motivations might Friar Lawrence have for his words and actions in this scene?


_______________ is the feeling that you get from a work of literature or art. This can also be called _______________.

What three things do author’s use to create mood in a story?

_______________ communicates how an author feels about their topic. It can also communicate _______________ or _______________.

We can look at a writer’s language and determine their attitude towards the subject by analyzing their _______________ ______________.

Themes link _______________ _______________ about the world with the _______________ of a text.

Authors develop theme through the repeated use of _______________, changes in _______________, and _______________ and _______________ that repeatedly reference a similar idea.

Romeo & Juliet:

What news does Balthasar bring to Romeo? How does Romeo react to this news?

Why does Romeo seek out an apothecary, and what does he intend to do?

What prevents Friar John from delivering Friar Lawrence’s letter to Romeo? How does the failure of the letter delivery contribute to the sense of impending tragedy?

Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb, and what does this reveal about his character and feelings for Juliet?

How is Paris and Romeo’s fight similar to Romeo and Tybalt’s fight? What is the outcome?

What are Romeo’s thoughts and emotions as he prepares to take the poison and join Juliet in death?

What is Juliet’s reaction upon waking and finding Romeo dead beside her? What does her decision to join Romeo in death reveal about her character?

What does Friar Laurence confess, and how does he explain the series of events that led to the tragedy?

What actions do the two families take to honor Romeo and Juliet, and what message does this convey?

1 answer

Lesson pages 6-9:

Form is how a poem is organized, including rhyme, rhythm, number of lines, etc.

A stanza is a group of lines in a poem.

A rhyme scheme is the ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem.

Meter is the number of beats or stressed syllables per line of poetry.

Romeo & Juliet:

  1. How does Friar Lawrence react to Romeo’s sudden change of heart from Rosaline to Juliet? What does this reveal about Romeo’s character?

    • Friar Lawrence is surprised and somewhat skeptical. He cautions Romeo about the fickleness of love. This reveals that Romeo is impulsive and easily swayed by his emotions.
  2. Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet despite his initial hesitation? What does he hope to achieve?

    • He agrees to marry them in hopes that their union will end the feud between the Montagues and Capulets.
  3. How does the Nurse act when she meets Romeo, and what does this show about her character?

    • The Nurse is flirtatious and playful with Romeo, showing that she is comfortable with the young lovers and supportive of their relationship.
  4. What instructions from Romeo does the Nurse give to Juliet?

    • She tells Juliet that Romeo wants to marry her and arranges for their secret meeting.
  5. How does Friar Lawrence advise Romeo and Juliet before he marries them? What does this reveal about his concerns?

    • He advises them to love moderately and not rush into their feelings. This reveals his concern for their well-being and the potential consequences of their passionate love.
  6. How are the themes of love and conflict developed in these scenes?

    • The themes are developed through the intense feelings of Romeo and Juliet contrasted with the ongoing feud between their families, highlighting the potential for love to cause conflict and tragedy.

Lesson pages 1-4:

Alliteration is when several words in a short section begin with the same sound.

Assonance is when several words in a short section contain the same vowel sound.

Consonance is when several words in a short section contain the same consonant sound.

Enjambment is when a line break occurs in the middle of a sentence or phrase in a poem.

Romeo & Juliet:

  1. How does Romeo try to intervene in the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio? Why does he do this?

    • Romeo attempts to stop the fight by standing between them and pleading for peace. He does this because he is now married to Juliet, Tybalt's cousin, and does not want to fight with his family.
  2. According to Prince Escalus’ decree in Act 1, what should be the consequence of Romeo’s involvement in Tybalt's and Mercutio's deaths?

    • The consequence should be severe punishment, possibly death, for Romeo's involvement in the fight.
  3. What punishment does the Prince decree for Romeo? Why does he choose this punishment instead of a harsher one?

    • The Prince decrees banishment for Romeo. He chooses this punishment because he recognizes Romeo's grief over Mercutio's death and the underlying conflicts between the families.
  4. What does Juliet’s soliloquy reveal about her feelings towards Romeo and their marriage?

    • Juliet’s soliloquy reveals her deep love for Romeo and her conflicted emotions about their marriage in light of the feud and the violence that surrounds them.
  5. How does Juliet react to the news of Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment?

    • Juliet is devastated; she feels torn between her love for Romeo and her grief over Tybalt's death.
  6. How does Romeo react to the news of his banishment? What does he say about living without Juliet?

    • Romeo is distraught, feeling that banishment is worse than death, as he cannot live without Juliet.
  7. What message does the Nurse bring from Juliet to Romeo?

    • The Nurse brings Romeo the message that Juliet loves him, urging him to comfort her and return to her.
  8. What plan does Friar Lawrence propose to help Romeo avoid immediate danger and eventually reunite with Juliet?

    • Friar Lawrence proposes that Romeo hide in Mantua and wait until they can announce their marriage and reconcile their families.

Lesson pages 6-9:

Descriptions in a poem that evoke mental snapshots that appeal to the five senses are called imagery.

Why do authors use imagery and sensory language in their poems?

  • Authors use imagery and sensory language to create vivid pictures in the reader's mind, evoke emotions, and enhance the overall experience of the poem.

Romeo & Juliet:

  1. What decision does Lord Capulet make regarding Juliet's marriage to Paris and why?

    • Lord Capulet decides to hasten Juliet's marriage to Paris to cheer her up after Tybalt's death.
  2. How does Paris react to Lord Capulet’s decision? What does this reveal about Paris’s character and his attitude towards marriage?

    • Paris agrees to the plan, indicating his eagerness to marry Juliet. This reveals his sense of entitlement and lack of understanding of Juliet's true feelings.
  3. In the beginning of Act 3, Scene 5, what are Romeo and Juliet arguing about?

    • They are arguing about whether it is morning or not, with Juliet trying to keep Romeo from leaving and Romeo insisting he must go.
  4. How does Juliet feel after Romeo leaves her?

    • Juliet feels heartbroken and devastated after Romeo's departure.
  5. How does Juliet respond to the news of her upcoming marriage to Paris? What threats does Lord Capulet make to Juliet if she does not obey his wishes?

    • Juliet refuses to marry Paris and protests. In response, Lord Capulet threatens to disown her and kick her out of the house.
  6. What advice does the Nurse give Juliet? How does this make Juliet feel?

    • The Nurse advises Juliet to marry Paris, suggesting that he is a better match. This betrays Juliet's trust and makes her feel isolated.
  7. What decision does Juliet make at the end of Act 3 Scene 5?

    • Juliet decides to seek help from Friar Lawrence and considers taking drastic action to avoid marrying Paris.
  8. How does Juliet’s character develop in these scenes, particularly in her responses to her parents and the Nurse?

    • Juliet exhibits greater independence and determination. She becomes more resolute in pursuing her own desires rather than obeying her parents.


Acts are sections of a drama that are separated by time or location.

Stage directions tell the team putting a drama together what is happening on stage. These are NOT read aloud by the actors.

What is an example of verbal irony?

  • A character says something but means the opposite, such as a character stating they're thrilled about an unwanted event.

What is an example of dramatic irony?

  • When the audience knows Juliet is alive while Romeo believes she is dead.

What is an example of situational irony?

  • Romeo receives poison to kill himself thinking Juliet is dead, while she is alive.

Romeo & Juliet:

  1. In Act 4 Scene 4, the Capulets are preparing for Juliet’s wedding; however, as readers of the play, we know that Juliet has taken Friar Lawrence’s potion and is “dead.” What type of irony is this?

    • This is an example of dramatic irony.
  2. How do the Nurse and Lady Capulet react when they discover Juliet “dead” in her bed?

    • They are devastated and mourn her loss, believing she has died unexpectedly.
  3. How does Lord Capulet react to Juliet’s apparent death? What does this reveal about his character?

    • He is heartbroken and overwhelmed with grief, revealing that he genuinely cares for his daughter despite his earlier harshness.
  4. How does Paris react to Juliet’s death? What does this suggest about his feelings for her?

    • Paris is distraught and mourns deeply, suggesting that he truly loved Juliet, even if their marriage was arranged.
  5. How does Friar Lawrence attempt to comfort the Capulet family after Juliet’s “death”? What motivations might Friar Lawrence have for his words and actions in this scene?

    • He offers words of solace, likely motivated by guilt for his role in the secret marriage and to protect Juliet’s secret plan.


Mood is the feeling that you get from a work of literature or art. This can also be called atmosphere.

What three things do authors use to create mood in a story?

  • Diction (word choice), setting, and imagery.

Tone communicates how an author feels about their topic. It can also communicate attitude or emotion.

We can look at a writer’s language and determine their attitude towards the subject by analyzing their word choices.

Themes link universal concepts about the world with the interpretation of a text.

Authors develop theme through the repeated use of imagery, changes in characterization, and dialogue and conflict that repeatedly reference a similar idea.

Romeo & Juliet:

  1. What news does Balthasar bring to Romeo? How does Romeo react to this news?

    • Balthasar brings news of Juliet's death. Romeo reacts with despair and devastation.
  2. Why does Romeo seek out an apothecary, and what does he intend to do?

    • Romeo seeks out an apothecary to buy poison to end his own life and join Juliet in death.
  3. What prevents Friar John from delivering Friar Lawrence’s letter to Romeo? How does the failure of the letter delivery contribute to the sense of impending tragedy?

    • Friar John is detained due to a quarantine, preventing him from reaching Romeo. This failure adds to the tragic developments, as it ensures the miscommunication that leads to the couple's deaths.
  4. Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb, and what does this reveal about his character and feelings for Juliet?

    • Paris is at Juliet’s tomb to mourn her and lay flowers. This reveals his genuine affection for her, despite their marriage being arranged.
  5. How is Paris and Romeo’s fight similar to Romeo and Tybalt’s fight? What is the outcome?

    • Both fights stem from intense emotions and a sense of honor. The outcome is tragic; Romeo kills Paris, just as he killed Tybalt previously.
  6. What are Romeo’s thoughts and emotions as he prepares to take the poison and join Juliet in death?

    • He is filled with grief and a sense of desperation, believing he cannot live without Juliet.
  7. What is Juliet’s reaction upon waking and finding Romeo dead beside her? What does her decision to join Romeo in death reveal about her character?

    • Juliet is horrified and heartbroken. Her decision to join him reveals her deep love and commitment, as well as her sense of agency in the face of tragedy.
  8. What does Friar Laurence confess, and how does he explain the series of events that led to the tragedy?

    • Friar Laurence confesses to his role in the secret marriage and acknowledges the miscommunications that led to their deaths, taking some responsibility for the tragedy.
  9. What actions do the two families take to honor Romeo and Juliet, and what message does this convey?

    • Both families agree to end their feud and build statues in honor of Romeo and Juliet. This conveys the message that love can transcend conflict and loss.