Lesson: Division Rules
1/Charlie runs a dog -walking service. He has 5 leashes. He uses 1 leash for each dog. How many dogs can charlie walk at the same time?
Answer: 5 divide 1= 5
2/Charlie walks the dogs the same distance every day . He walks 7 miles every week. How. Many miles does he walk each day?
Answer: 7divide 1 =7
3/Charlie had 12 dog biscuits. He gave each of the12 dogs the same number of biscuits. How many biscuits did he give each dog? How do you know?
Answer; 12divide 1=12
12 dog biscuits each 12 dogs
12 row of 12
4/ Charlie planned to split his earnings from Friday with his sister if she helped walk the dogs . He did not give any money to his sister. What can you conclude?
Don't understand.
5/Charlie walks 5 dogs. He wants to divide his dog - walking responsibilities evenly among his friends. How many friends must help him walk the dogs?
5divide 1= 5
6/ Charlie receives one new leash per week for each dog he walks. If he starts by walking 5 dogs How many leashes will he have after 3 weeks?
Don't understand
2 answers
x/2 =
x = 0
5. 3 * 5 = 15
Your answers are right.