Lesson 4: Westward Movement
Social Studies 8 A Unit 6: The Age of Jackson and Westward Expansion
7. How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia and the Indian Removal Act lead to the removal and resettlement of Native American groups? (4 points)
This question has been posted many times, and I still haven't seen a very good answer. I do not want to click on links that the teachers put because what if they aren't really a teacher, that website could put a lot of viruses onto my laptop that the school sent me. The teachers never show us any sign of certification, so how do we really know it's them. I'm really struggling, so fellow students please help me out.
The rest of the quiz answers are:
1. B Acceptance of the common man
2. A Expansion of democracy
3. C People in favor of state's rights
4. C He would be disappointed because he argued for the Cherokees...
5. C His invention of the steamboat allowed for cheap transportation...
6. D The Lancaster Turnpike was limited to travel in one state
These answers will give you a 100%
Remember the order's of the answers can change so look closely.
Your welcome, and sorry this is long
4 answers