Lesson 4: The Cay, Chapters 5–7 CE 2015

help me

12 answers

As you've been told many times, most of us have not read this book. Those who have will not cheat and tell you answers.
i did not say i wanted to cheat
i just need help
so dont assume stuff alright
Wnio, I can not give you answers to tests, however, I can support you in finding them.
Please come with a specific question, not a lesson name.
A general overview of The Cay:

The Cay takes place during WW2, where German Torpedo Boats were targeting major allied-power industrial centers, such as the island the main character lives on, which is a large provider of oil. In the story, the boy's parents send him aboard a ship to get him to the states where he would be safe from the Germans. They do this reasoning that the Germans are not likely to attack an American Vessel, especially if they are not at war. Just as they cross the blockade-line, torpedoes are fired at the boat. Most aboard are killed as it sinks, but an African american and a boy escape on one of the only remaining lifeboats. They arrive on an island and are stranded for months, surviving hurricanes and building shelters. One day, their SOS works. However, the african american is left behind, as he died protecting the main character during the hurricane. The boy ends up blind, but gets surgery immediately, and regains sight.

A notice, Jishka warns that posting test answers will result in temporary-suspension from posting on the site. Please, do not post test answers.
Please explain what kind of help you want.
i need help with reading it and comprehending whats happening i read it but its hard to comprehend all of this
its hard to explain
its fine tho
i can figure it out.
but you guys are messed up for assuming that.
I just needed help but then you guys just say " oh dont cheat its bad and blah blah blah!" like shut up. and ban me all you want i dont care