Lesson 4: Jefferson’s Presidency social Studies 8 A unit 4: The Early Repubilc Missed a lot of school because I was sick and trying to catch up really would appreciate if I got some help

7 answers

If you ask specific questions, someone here may be able to help. If you expect someone to hand you all the answers, though, you’ll both be banned for cheating.

Please read your texts and post the questions you are most unsure of, including what you think the answers are. No guessing!
I'd love to help, just two problems. "what do you need help with?" whatever it is please post and we'll try to help you. And we didn't need to know the reason you needed the answer. in the future, if you want anything I suggest you not telling people why it is you need it they might not actually help you. please take my advice and have a nice day! :)
As Those Two Already Said... Don't Just Hope People Will Just Throw The Answers At You Just Because You Missed School. Also... This Is From Connections Academy, And It Is "Online School" So You Should Have Been Able To Study If You Were Sick or Not. If This Is However Not Online School You Are Doing, Then You Should Make Sure To Still Try EXTRA Hard To Study And Catch Up! Good Luck! ~ "Papi Jimbo"
8a social studies unit 6 the early republic test answers
All of those are right except for the second to last one which is D not A. Enjoy! I got a 23 outta 24 and for the 23 question the answer is: John Adams wasnt reelected because of his first term. He declared war on things that wasnt needed, like the "Quasi War" when people actually wanted and need war on France. Another Reason he didnt get reelected was Thomas Jefferson. At the time Thomas Jefferson was most popular and won the winning votes."
Those are the answer.
omg....for all of the people who say cheating is not right, you shouldn't be cheating ,your not gonna learn anything when you get older if you cheat then, what the freak you doing on this site yes i admit i come here to cheat sometimes but thats mainly because ethier 1 the teacher is no help or 2 the teacher is hepful but just dont understand fulling what im doing still but, if we shouldn't cheat then what are you doing here....... exactly the same thing mostly everyone comes here to do... help and answers so if you have a problem with cheating then use paper to get off this site you big jerks and i dont need a boyfriend sorry