- American government begins with the people.
- The Preamble expresses the idea of a covenant by outlining shared goals and responsibilities for the government and its citizens.
- Many of the writers of the Constitution were immigrants or descendants of immigrants, reflecting the diverse origins of the nation.
- The Constitution formed a more perfect union by creating a stronger federal government that coordinated the states' efforts.
- It established justice by creating a system of laws and courts to ensure fairness and equality.
- Ensuring domestic tranquility was necessary to maintain peace and stability within the country.
- "Provide for the common defense" means to protect the nation from external threats and aggression.
- "The general welfare" refers to promoting the well-being and prosperity of all citizens.
- Specific applications of "our posterity" include education and environmental preservation for future generations.
- The people of one generation have a responsibility to create a better society and safeguard resources for those who come after them.
Lesson 15
1. The Preamble of the Constitution states that American government begins with whom?
2. How does the Preamble express the idea of a covenant?
3. How many of the writers of the Constitution were immigrants or descendants of immigrants?
4. How did the Constitution form a more perfect union?
5. How did the Constitution establish justice?
6. Why did the Constitution need to ensure domestic tranquility?
7. What is the meaning of the phrase "provide for the common defense"?
8. What is the meaning of the phrase "the general welfare"?
9. What two specific applications have been made of the Preamble's reference to "our posterity"?
10. The people of one generation have what responsibility to those who come after them?
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