How did the AI’s use of sensory & figurative language affect the descriptions of your characters?
The AI effectively used sensory and figurative language to create vivid images and emotional depth for both characters. This enhances the reader’s experience and makes the characters more relatable and dynamic.
Does the description that the AI provided match how you envisioned the characters in your mind? Why or why not?
Yes, the descriptions align well with my vision. Lena’s adventurous spirit and Thomas’s connection to the sea are captured accurately through their appearances and personalities.
Will the AI’s description help readers of your story picture the characters in their minds? Why or why not?
Absolutely. The rich imagery and metaphors provide clear visual and emotional cues, helping readers easily imagine both characters and their backgrounds.
What, if anything, would you change about the AI’s description?
I would simplify some phrases to make them more straightforward, ensuring clarity while still retaining the essence of the characters.