Leigh, B. C. (1993). Alcohol consumption and sexual activity as reported with a diary technique. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 102, 490-493. doi:10.1037/0021-843X.102.3.490 This is the article to utilize when answering the questions 1. What are the design elements (IV, DV)? 2. What are the potential confounds? 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study design? 4. What difficulties come from assessing behaviors such as drinking and sexual activity (e.g., social desirability bias)? What are ways to limit such difficulties? 5. Was a sample solicited from newspaper ads the best possible sample to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this sample selection method? What are other ways the researchers could have collected a sample? 6. What other behaviors could researchers assess with behavioral diaries? Why? 7. Why might the diary technique be preferable to laboratory research on drinking and sexual activity? 8. What other factors might play a role in sexual activity and practicing safe sex?
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