Leaving a beaker of water open to the air until it is empty is a phisscal or chemical change ?
Heating a piece of calcium carbonate is a physical or chemical change ?
Adding copper sulphate to crystal water is it a chemical or physical change?
How to seeds disperse and the reasom ?
Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Our tutors try to give you the information to help you complete your assignment on your own. If there's not a tutor with this specialty online right now, be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine. ( http://www.sou.edu/library/searchtools/ )
Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to critique your work.
the degree of exactness of a mesurement is accuracy
Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "physical chemical change" to get these possible sources:
(Broken Link Removed)
For your last question, you can use the key words, "seeds disperse." As a reason, imagine that you, your children, your grandchildren and so on lived in the same house. Generalize this to seeds.
In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.